Tucker Carlson

Tucker Carlson

Tucker Carlson recently mentioned the reality of demonic activity and the hope for revival. Let’s pray passionately for Tucker as God is certainly getting his attention!
We also prayed once again for Russell Brand. It’s remarkable how hungry and humble he is as God is working in his life.
prayerteam.tv is a ministry of revival and intercession with a focus on influencers including politicians, celebrities, musicians, athletes and others who have significant impact in our culture. 
#tuckercarlson #russellbrand #prayer #intercession #revival #demonic #branson #bransonmo

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Russell Brand

Russell Brand

How exciting that Russell Brand was baptized recently! Let’s celebrate and also pray strategically for him to be protected, encouraged and filled to overflowing with the fire and power of the Holy Spirit.

prayerteam.tv is a ministry of revival and intercession with a focus on influencers including politicians, celebrities, musicians, athletes and others who have significant impact in our culture. 

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